讲座题目:Publishing During Doctoral Candidature from an Activity Theory Perspective:The Case of Four Chinese Nursing Doctoral Students
Although doctoral students are increasingly expected or required to publish during their candidature, few studies have focused specifically on how they manage to do so while juggling multiple, and often competing, demands from their busy doctoral studies. This study set out to bridge this gap by examining the strategies adopted by four Chinese nursing doctoral students to deal with the time pressure in meeting institutional publication requirements, and the impacts of the publication requirements and the strategies on their scholarly publishing practices and experiences. Drawing on activity theory and its notions of boundary crossing and contradiction, the study revealed that to fulfill the institutional publication requirements amid competing demands from their doctoral studies, the students employed two main coping strategies, namely, boundary crossing through starting early and refashioning the scholarly publishing activity through orchestrating one’s research and publication with those of others. It also found that while effective in mitigating the time pressure and boosting publication output, the strategies tended to undermine the students’ aspirations to participate fully in scholarly publishing and to join the disciplinary community. The findings are discussed in relation to disciplinarity, disciplinary authorship, and socialization of doctoral students into the academic community.
新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院应用语言学博士(2011-2015),广东外语外贸大学云山青年学者(2016至今),主要研究方向为学术英语写作与发表、英语作为教学媒介语以及语言教育政策。在ELT Journal、English for Specific Purposes、Higher Education、Language Learning、Language Policy、System及TESOL Quarterly等国际权威学术期刊上发表研究论文十余篇。兼任中国学术英语教学研究会理事、International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism、Higher Education、Journal of English for Academic Purposes、Language Policy、System以及TESOL Quarterly等国际权威学术期刊特邀审稿人。