报告题目:Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Its Readers in 1847
主讲人:Sandro Jung,复旦大学教授
It is a commonplace among Victorianists that the early reception of Jane Eyre has been mapped comprehensively as part of the foundational work that informed Elizabeth Gaskell’s Life of Brontë but also subsequent (mostly feminist) critiques that cast the novel as promoting a version of Jane’s self that was at once rebellious and potentially dangerous to society. Such ground-breaking volumes of reception-related documentary evidence as Miriam Allott’s Critical Heritage volume, as well as the edition of the collected letters of Charlotte Brontë, have consolidated the impression that the early reception of Jane Eyre has been studied exhaustively. This is far from the truth, however, and this lecture will introduce a body of evidence derived from more than 30 book reviews of the novel that have not previously been considered by scholars. It will provide a reassessment of some of the assumptions that have underpinned even the most recent work on Jane Eyre and offer an alternative reading history by recovering the voices of its earliest readers.
Sandro Jung,复旦大学外文学院二级教授、博士生导师、外国语言文学研究所所长。兼任杭州师范大学马云讲席教授。曾任东中美洲十八世纪研究学会主席、洪堡基金会前高级研究员,获得两项欧盟玛丽·居里长期研究基金。A&HCI期刊ANQ主编,同时担任A&HCI期刊The Explicator副主编。主要学术领域是十八世纪和十九世纪文学、文化和媒体、书籍和接受史、翻译研究和视觉文化(尤其是插图)研究。已发表140多篇A&HCI收录文章,另有英文专著5部。他的最新专著Eighteenth-Century Illustration and Literary Material Culture(2023)由剑桥大学出版社出版。专著Transnational Crusoe, Illustration and Reading History也将于明年由剑桥大学出版社出版。