报告题目:Charles Dickens: Best and Worst
内容简介:A case can be made for Charles Dickens as the greatest writer in the English language, apart from (or perhaps even including) Shakespeare. It is clear, moreover, that he has brought much happiness to many millions of people, all over the world. But he has also been accused of moral failures, from mistreatment of his wife to a wide range of prejudices, including racism. This connects with a more general idea that great artists are not necessarily good people – even if they seem to praise good people in their work. In this lecture I will look at what is going on in these claims and counter-claims about Dickens, in terms of what they imply about him but also what they imply about us (at least, the Western academic “us” that I am familiar with). What do we expect from great artists, and why? Do we think that they should be better than we are? Do we hold them responsible for wider problems in the world? Can we separate good from bad within ourselves, let alone within someone as complex as Dickens? Could there be some ways in which the worst of Dickens is inextricable from what is best about him?
嘉宾介绍: Dominic Rainsford,丹麦奥胡斯大学英文系教授,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)英语文学博士,国际狄更斯学会会刊Dickens Quarterly现任主编,丹麦英文学会主席。English Studies, European Journal of English Studies, Nordic Journal of English Studies、Textus等国际期刊编委。在狄更斯研究、19世纪英国文学研究、期刊出版和学术编辑等领域享有崇高国际声誉。
报告题目:Dickens, Victorian Studies, and China
内容简介:In this lecture, I will suggest some specific ways in which English Victorian literature (again with the main focus on Dickens) might be relevant in a Chinese context. I will review the ways in which China is alluded to in the work of Dickens and selected other nineteenth-century English authors, as well as briefly surveying previous scholarly work in this area. My claim will be that awareness of cultural cross-currents of this kind between the United Kingdom and China is essential for understanding the larger historical relations between the two countries. I will then move on to suggest some ways in which aspects of Dickens’s writing (and other 19th-century English literature) may still be relevant, not just historically, but also in a contemporary Chinese context. (Here, of course, allowance must be made for my limited knowledge of the PRC. I will be presenting avenues of enquiry and topics for discussion, more than seeking to make my own judgements and claims.)
嘉宾介绍: Dominic Rainsford,丹麦奥胡斯大学英文系教授,英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)英语文学博士,国际狄更斯学会会刊Dickens Quarterly现任主编,丹麦英文学会主席。English Studies, European Journal of English Studies, Nordic Journal of English Studies、Textus等国际期刊编委。在狄更斯研究、19世纪英国文学研究、期刊出版和学术编辑等领域享有崇高国际声誉。