讲座题目:Using Generative AI in Language Learning and Teaching: A Narrative Review of Its Use, Benefits, and Challenges
主讲人: Dilin Liu,美国阿拉巴马大学英语系资深教授
With the meteoric development of generative artificial intelligence (hereafter GenAI) technologies in the past decade, the field of language education has recently witnessed a rapid significant increase in the use of such technologies, especially generative chatbots. Based on existing research and the author’s own experience of using GenAI, this narrative review explores the use of GenAI and its benefits and challenges/risks in language learning and teaching. Specifically, this review first discusses, with concrete examples, the main specific ways in which GenAI can and have been used in language education. Next, it examines the benefits of GenAI use in enhancing positive language learning attitudes, motivation, and engagement as well as its effects on language learning gains. Then, it discusses the challenges and risks involved in GenAI use, including ethical concerns and possible harms, followed by an exploration of some useful strategies for overcoming the challenges. The article concludes with a brief outlook for the future directions in the use of GenAI in language learning and teaching.
Dilin Liu,美国阿拉巴马大学英语系资深教授。他的研究方向主要是基于语料库的词汇分析、英语词汇和语法教学。他在本专业的国际权威期刊Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Linguistics, Modern Language Journal, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, and TESOL Quarterly等发表论文100多篇,20余家国际知名期刊和Cambridge University Press、Palgrave-MacMillan、Routledge等出版机构审稿人,在国际语言学界享有极高声誉和影响力。